Java concurrency in practice на русском
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Семафор поможет для создания ограничений и блокировки потока, если ресурс недоступен. It also goes on to explain why most concurrent applications are incorrectly written in Java and the common mistakes made by Java programmers which result in multi-threading issues like race conditions, deadlock, livelock, memory interference and simply incorrect calculation.
Stoppin g a Threa d based Servic e 93 7. In Java Concurrency in Practicethe creators of these new facilities explain not only how they work and how to use them, but also the motivation and design patterns behind them. More Respo nsiv e User Interface s 4 1. Many programmers even with 4 to 5 years of experience in Java didn't understand , what they know is that when you use a volatile variable it always check the value from main memory while comparing, which is the truth but not complete. Atomi c Variable Classe s 198 1 5.
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- Sharing Objects 23 3.
A Very Brief History of Concurrency 2 1. Benefits of Threads 3 1. Explo itin g Multiple Processor s 3 1. Simplicity o f Mo deling 3 1. Simplif ie d Handlin g of Asynchronou s Events 3 1. More Respo nsiv e User Interface s 4 1. Risks of Threads 5 1. Safet y Hazar ds 5 1. Livenes s Hazard s 6 1. Perfo rmance Hazards 6 1. Threads are Everywhere 8 Part I: Fundamentals 10 Chapter 2. Thread Safety 11 2. Wha t i s Thread Safety? Atom icit y 13 2. Lockin g 16 2. Guarding Stat e with Locks 19 2. Livenes s and Performance 20 Chapter 3. Sharing Objects 23 3. Visibilit y 23 3. Publicatio n and Escap e 26 3. Th rea d Confinement 28 3. Immutabilit y 31 3. Saf e Pub lication 33 Chapter 4. Composing Objects 37 4. Designing a Thread safe Clas s 37 4. Instanc e Confinement 39 4. De legatin g Threa d Safety 41 4. Addin g Functionality t o Existing Threa d saf e Classe s 47 4. Documenting Synchronizatio n Policie s 49 Chapter 5. Building Blocks 51 5. Synchronize d Collections 51 5. Concurrent Collection s 54 5. Blockin g Queues and the Produce r consumer Patter n 56 5. Blockin g and Interruptibl e Methods 59 5. Synchronizer s 60 5. Task Execution 72 6. Execu tin g Tasks in Threads 72 6. The Executo r Framework 74 6. Finding Exploitabl e Parallelism 78 Summary 83 Chapter 7. Cancellation and Shutdown 85 7. Task Cancellation 85 7. Stoppin g a Threa d based Servic e 93 7. Handlin g Abnorma l T hrea d Terminatio n 100 7. J VM Shutdow n 102 Summary 103 Chapter 8. Applying Thread Pools 104 8. Implici t Coupling s Between Task s an d Execution Policies 104 8. Sizin g Thread Pools 105 8. Configurin g ThreadPoolExecuto r 106 8. Extend ing ThreadPoolExecutor 111 8. Paral lelizing Recursive Algorithm s 112 Summary 116 Chapter 9. GUI Applications 117 9. Why ar e GU Is Single threaded? Shor t runnin g GU I Task s 119 9. Lon g running G UI Task s 121 9. Share d Dat a Model s 123 9. Other Forms of Single threaded Subsystems 125 Summary 126 Part III: Liveness, Performance, and Testing 127 Chapter 10. Avoiding Liveness Hazards 128 1 0. Deadlock 128 1 0. Avoiding an d Diagnosing Deadlocks 133 1 0. Other Liveness Hazard s 135 Summary 136 Chapter 11. Performance and Scalability 137 1 1. Thinkin g abou t Performanc e 137 1 1. Amdahl's La w 139 1 1. Costs Introduced b y Threads 142 1 1. Reducin g Lock Contentio n 144 1 1. Examp le: Comparing Ma p Performanc e 150 1 1. Reducin g Contex t Switc h Overhead 151 Summary 152 Chapter 12. Testing Concurrent Programs 153 1 2. T esting for Correctnes s 153 1 2. T esting for Performance 160 1 2. Avoiding Performan ce Testin g Pitfall s 165 1 2. Complementary Testin g Approaches 167 Summary 169 Part IV: Advanced Topics 170 Chapter 13 - Explicit Locks 171 1 3. Loc k and ReentrantLoc k 171 1 3. Perfor mance Considerations 174 1 3. Fair nes s 175 iv Java Concurrency In Practice 1 3. Choosin g Betwee n S ynchronized an d ReentrantLoc k 176 1 3. Rea d writ e Lock s 176 Summary 178 Chapter 14 - Building Custom Synchronizers 179 1 4. Managin g State Dependence 179 1 4. Usin g Conditio n Queue s 183 1 4. Explicit Conditio n Objects 188 1 4. Anato my of a Synchronizer 189 1 4. Ab stractQueuedSynchronize r 190 1 4. AQ S in Java. Atomic Variables and Non-blocking Synchronization 195 1 5. Disadvantages of Lockin g 195 1 5. Hardware Suppor t for Concurrency 196 1 5. Atomi c Variable Classe s 198 1 5. Non blockin g Algorithms 201 Summary 206 Chapter 16. The Java Memory Model 207 1 6. Wha t i s a Memor y Mode l, a nd Why would I Want One? Publicatio n 211 Summary 215 Appendix A. Annotations for Concurrency 216 A. Class Annotations 216 A. F iel d and Metho d Annotation s 216 Bibliography 217.
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